The Pink Cloud Podcast

Sobriety Affirmations

11 Great Affirmations for Sobriety “Affirmations are positive, specific statements that help you to overcome self-sabotaging negative thoughts. They help you visualize, and believe in, what you are affirming to yourself, helping you to make positive changes to your life and career.”- Mindtools In addition to the vision boards and visualization tools use to aid […]

Making Amends After Getting Sober

The Pink Cloud Podcast

Making Amends After Getting Sober What you generally see portrayed in movies is the initial sobering up, and then the apologies for wrongs done. A dramatic and tearful scene that end in forgiveness and wrongs made right, and all is well. What you are seeing is Step 9 of the 12 Steps in action.  Making […]

The Pink Cloud

pink cloud podcast

In the realm of sobriety, there exists a phenomenon known as the “pink cloud” – a euphoric state experienced during the early stages of recovery. This blog delves into the wonders and dangers of the pink cloud, shedding light on its impact on individuals as they embark on their journey towards a sober life. Experiencing […]

Self Care Routine For Sober Moms

Sober Mom Self Care Routine

Being a Mom is fucking HARD. Period. Being a Sober Mom is even harder. It is a thankless job and your job is never done. You are never off the clock (and the pay sucks). For some Moms, unwinding with a glass of wine after the kids are in bed is a good way to […]

Meditation for Addiction Recovery

meditations for addiction recovery

Meditation for addiction recovery is essential. Meditation improves conscious contact with inner or “higher self.” It encourages the practitioner to look inside themselves and to gain clarity by means of mindfulness practice. It assists in mindfulness and helps you to be present in the moment. You can experience sensation and feelings without the need to […]

Coming Out Sober- Pros and Cons

coming out sober

Thinking about coming out sober? Below are THREE pros and THREE cons of telling the world you are sober. It can be a hard choice to make and there are so many different ways to do it, none of which are the wrong, or right. There are sober people who shout it from the rooftops! […]

How To Create A Sober Vision Board

sober vision board

Now that you are sober, you need a vision, a plan that excites you, and a Sober Vision Board. What good is being sober if you are just going to be miserable and mundane?  At first, I just wanted to get sober and dig myself out of the hole I was in. Next, I launched […]

What NOT To Do Your First 30 Days Sober

what not to do your first 30 days sober

You can scroll through the internet and read dozens of articles on what to do when you first get sober, but this is all about what not to do your first 30 days sober. Below I share some of my mistakes I’ve made my first 30 days sober so you don’t have to. What you […]

When Sobriety Gets Boring

when sobriety gets boring

Ok, so you’ve been sober for a little while, and things are going well. You are out of the rehab and drying out phase, and things are calmer, so things might seem a little… boring? What do you do when sobriety gets boring? I’ve been there. I was sober for a little while and things […]

Dealing With Anxiety in Sobriety

anxiety in sobriety

Dealing with anxiety in sobriety can be so hard, and the absolute hardest part at the start is not picking up a drink to ease the feelings. I’ve been there. I suffered from anxiety for years and would drink to stop the anxiety. But it never worked. I never stayed drunk (or sober) long enough […]

Signs You’ve Hit Bottom

signs you've hit bottom

If you are like me, I didn’t think I had hit bottom the first time I stopped drinking. Sure my life was a mess, I could see that, but I wasn’t that bad, and I surely wasn’t like one of those weird people in the rooms of recovery. Below are the signs I knew I […]

Sober Morning Routine

Sober morning Routine

The best indicator if a good day, is a good morning, and the best way to have a good morning is to have a Sober Morning Routine. Below is an awesome six step sober morning routine. 1.REVIEW YOUR GOALS Set goals you are excited about, and every morning review them. Staying sober is a great […]

3 Benefits of Being Sober

Benefits of Sobriety

Thinking about quitting the drink and weighing the benefits of being sober? If you are thinking about moderating or quitting drinking, you’re probably thinking about the negative things it is doing to your life. If it was still working, you wouldn’t think about quitting. The good news is there is a huge upside to being […]

7 Signs You Have A Problem With Alcohol

signs you have a problem with alcohol

Signs you have a problem with alcohol no longer require homelessness, jail or hospitalization. In fact, more and more young people are going the way of sobriety without losing jobs, friends and family or health. We are realizing we might have a problem with alcohol and are choosing to quit drinking before the severe consequences. […]

Sobriety at Work

sobriety at work

So you got sober, which was hard enough, now how do you tell your work about Sobriety? Or do you even tell them? What if my work is not supportive? Will I lose credibility? What if they didn’t know I drank? What if drinking is allowed or encouraged at work or work related functions? Will […]

How To Stay Sober

how to stay sober

“It was always easy for me get sober… I could never figure out how to stay sober” – ANON Getting sober, or quitting drinking for most is not difficult, especially if you are a high functioning or social alcoholic. You just simply quit. The hard part is staying sober and not picking up a drink […]

4 Rules for Dating While Sober

dating while sober

One of the most commonly known rules when you stop drinking, is no dating your first year sober. Some follow the unwritten rule, and some (most) don’t. Here are the top four rules for dating while sober to help when you do decide to date.  1. Don’t rush  “Where do two addicts go on their 2nd date?” “Uhaul.” Addicts and […]

3 Books Needed Your First Year Sober

books for sobriety

Want to know the BEST books you need your first year sober? Below are the 3 top books you need your first year sober.   1. The Alchemist  This is a great book to read when you want to escape. It is a fiction book that unfolds wonderfully about a boy bravely living out his […]

How To Stay Sober At A Party

how to stay sober at a party

So you quit drinking, got sober perhaps through rehab or a 12 step program. You’re getting back to interacting with the real world and socializing. How do you stay sober at a party or social event when there is alcohol? I have three go-to tips that will help. I was 25 when I got sober […]