How To Stay Sober At A Party

how to stay sober at a party

So you quit drinking, got sober perhaps through rehab or a 12 step program. You’re getting back to interacting with the real world and socializing. How do you stay sober at a party or social event when there is alcohol? I have three go-to tips that will help. I was 25 when I got sober with most of my friends being single, and kidless. What do you do on the weekends when you are in your 20s and single? Of course, you socialize, go to concerts, restaurants, parties. But what if you’re sober? How do you navigate the real world and stay sober? Here is what I have found and I hope this helps you. 


Whether it be water, redbull or soda, always sip on something. With a drink in your hand, you won’t be offered a drink. Also, most time they won’t notice that you are not drinking alcohol, nor will they care.

Stacy says-  “My favorite drink is club soda with lime and lemon, and it just so happens to look like a drink, so I rarely get questioned on “Why” I’m not drinking. With my job, I have a lot of work functions and they ALL involve drinking so I’m used to being around it and have found it helps to keep a drink in my hand at all times.”


Don’t go unprepared or without an escape route. You will be around alcohol and its possible you will be triggered or tempted. Having a way out will provide security and a sense of ease knowing you are in control and if you want to leave a situation, you can leave quickly and not depend on someone else to give you a ride. 

Mary says- “I don’t get triggered or want to have a drink, but it makes me uneasy sometimes- not all of the time- and I don’t know why. Its hard to predict if an event will make me uncomfortable, so I am just prepared for all scenarios. There are nights I have gone out and had such a fun time, and there are times I’m at a party and as soon as I get there, I am uneasy and planning on leaving. When I have a way I can leave at any moment, it makes me feel more relaxed and takes away the anxiety of feeling trapped.”

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Some of the funnest nights I have had are being a sober at a party. If I can’t bring another sober person, I make sure the person I am with is not going to drink excessively, and they support my sobriety. Bring someone that would grab a glass out of your hand or talk you out of drinking. Don’t go alone, or with people that would encourage you to drink and would prefer you to drink.

Here are some excuses you can steal:

I’m driving

I am doing a (insert one) weight loss challenge, marathon, cleanse

I’m allergic

I am Pregnant

I have to get up early

I lost a bet and can’t drink

I’m doing a cleanse/detox

Just because you’re sober, does not mean boring. You can be sober at a party and still have so much fun! The point of life is to live it to its fullest! Enjoy being social, celebrating and have FUN.


Published by Lisa H

Lisa H hosts The Pink Cloud Podcast. In this podcast, Lisa offers a supportive space where women share their personal experiences of getting sober and navigating sobriety while being young. Lisa has been sober and active in Recovery Groups since 2008, and on each weekly episode, she delivers an amazing combination of heart to hearts and informative interviews with sober women without judgment. 

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